Friday 26 August 2016

Winners are Grinners!

Straw javelins flying through the air and soft cotton ball shot put throws landing graciously, it must be Classroom Olympics time!

Today the students of Room 10 competed against each other for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals. What a fun event! Here are the results:

Straw Javelin:
1st- Paige
2nd- Sharniqua
3rd- Gregory

Cotton Ball Shot Put:
1st- Paige (Watch out Valerie Adams)
2nd- Diamond
3rd- Lexus

'High' Jump:
1st- Lani
2nd- Gabriel
3rd- Tyrell

Giant Step :
1st- Afi
2nd- Lexus
3rd- Gregory

Paper Plate Discus:
1st- Lenix
2nd- Gregory
3rd- Afi

1st Equal- Tevita
1st Equal- Lexus

Everyone gave their very best, showing sportsmanship and staying true to the Olympic Oath. All 'athletes' received participation medals- because at the end of the day, we are all WINNERS!