Room 10 Duffy Kid Awards 2016

Congratulations Duffy Kids!

Every fortnight, at our whole school assembly, one student from each class is awarded a Duffy book and certificate. These are Room 10's Duffy Kid Award recipients.

Date:           Name:                        Achievement:

12.02.16      Riany                       For learning your pepeha off by heart and sharing it confidently.

26.02.16      Lani                         For showing focus and perseverance in class.

11.03.16      Gregory                   Completing homework and achieving highly in weekly spelling tests.

30.03.16     Gabriel                    For super focus and concentration in sketching.
(Role Model Assembly)

08.04.16      Tyrell                      For showing great focus and skill in your art work.

Term 2

13.05.16      Sione                        For completing homework and reading every day.


10.06.16      Lexus                        For focused reading of Maori Legends and completing tasks fully
                                                      within the given time.

24.06.16       Gabriel                   for increased confidence and talking more about your learning.                
                     Tyrell                      for showing increased focus in class.


  1. What a cool looking classroom! Rongomai Primary(Matua Nick)

  2. Thank you Matua Nick! Can you please send us a link to your class blog :)
