Monday 30 May 2016

Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa - Samoan Language Week

Talofa Lava. Afio mai.
Hello. Welcome.

Today BMPS started the day a little differently than usual. Gathering together in the hall, we sung the Samoan national anthem and joined together in lotu (prayer) to officially welcome in Samoan Language Week.

The challenge has been set to embrace the Samoan language and culture as we continue to celebrate diversity.

On Aso Faraile (Friday) the school will gather together again to share and celebrate some of the learning that we have been doing.

Thank you to Mrs Luteru who so generously gave her time to beautifully decorate the school hall and
also special thanks to Cherish and Mikayla Gibson for the Samoan siva (dance) they shared with us.

Thursday 12 May 2016


Coach Kal was in today, teaching us all new volleyball skills. The message was that the power is in our legs. It is important to position your feet apart and bend at the knees as you receive the ball, so you are stable and have lots of power to return it to the opposition.

Room 10 practiced the new skills and laughed LOTS along the way.
Coach Kal instructing Room 10.

Can you bounce the ball off your forehead, and catch it?
It is harder than it looks!

One on one game. 
Catch and return, underarm passes only. 
If the ball hits the ground- you're out! Winner stays in.

We can't wait to learn more next week! 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

How does your garden grow?

Room 10 have been getting their hands dirty!
Using biodegradable pots we planted carrot seeds and are going to do our very best to grow seedlings. We will then transplant them into the school garden until the plants are ready to harvest.
We also planted some marigold seeds. It is recommended to companion plant marigold flowers with carrots to keep away the Rust flies.

We cant wait to see the fruit (in this case veges) of our labour!



Friday 6 May 2016

Community Clean Up

This is one way to brighten up the community... Send out 120 students and their teachers in high visibility vests!

Today the BMPS senior students went out into our community to pick up rubbish. We sorted what we could as we went (paper, plastic, metal, earbuds!) and brought it all back to school to be recycled, rather than end up in a landfill or in drains. I wonder what will happen with the mattress that Mrs Warid and Room 12 collected and brought back to school? It didn't look very comfortable at all.

The community clean up has been a great way for us to start putting into practice our learning about recycling... And it's only just the beginning!

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Hockey Time!

Room 10 is back into the 'swing' of things with Coach Rochelle today. For many of us, this is our first attempt at learning the skills of hockey. The focus of today's session was open hand dribbling and push passing. We are very fortunate to be learning from such a passionate and skilled coach. Thank you Coach Rochelle!