Thursday 12 May 2016


Coach Kal was in today, teaching us all new volleyball skills. The message was that the power is in our legs. It is important to position your feet apart and bend at the knees as you receive the ball, so you are stable and have lots of power to return it to the opposition.

Room 10 practiced the new skills and laughed LOTS along the way.
Coach Kal instructing Room 10.

Can you bounce the ball off your forehead, and catch it?
It is harder than it looks!

One on one game. 
Catch and return, underarm passes only. 
If the ball hits the ground- you're out! Winner stays in.

We can't wait to learn more next week! 


  1. Wow awesome skills Room 10, We hope it was a lot of fun. You have to come down to the middle school and teach us some amazing skills. Room 10 you guys are fantastic from Room 21.

  2. Looking good room 10! The dig was much harder than it looked! Lots of fun though. We can't wait for Coach Kal to come back next week :) Miss B
