Thursday 25 February 2016

Poetic Writing: I Am

We have been learning to write poems about ourselves using similes. 
Here are some of our creations.

My hair is as dark as dark chocolate and curly like the twisted vines in the jungle. 
My smile is as white and bright as shining diamonds. 
My voice is loud like a dog barking in the night. 
I do lots of homework and chores like a person at work. 
When I'm at school I feel as happy as a kid dancing at a disco. 
I am Diamond Manawa-o-te-Rangi Waenga Ripia!

My hair is like a wave in the sea. It is as smooth as carpet.
I have dark brown eyes like a grizzly bear.
I look healthy like a body builder.
I sound like a chatter box.
I am Galuafi Roy Sega!

My eyes are as brown as hot boiling chocolate.
I have curly hair like noodles hanging off forks.
My voice is loud like an elephant's trunk trumpeting.
I love dancing like an octopus loves the sea.
I love lollies like a monkey loves bananas.
My name is Riany Aeysha Ngahoa Poynter!

My hair is as thick as a blanket.
I have brown eyes like a puppy.
 I talk like a comedian, making jokes.
My muscles feel as hard as a table.
I love sport like a dog loves chewing on it's toy.
I am Gabriel Calais Daniel!

Wednesday 24 February 2016

What Direction?

Room 10 had the honour of leading the Senior School assembly today. Featuring special guests 'What Direction?' and the best principal dance moves in town! Check it out here!
Thank you Jada (Rm12) for operating the camera for us :) 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Poetic Writing: Similes

We are learning to write similes. 
Today Room 10 used photos as motivation for creating similes that describe people.

Her hair looks like a clown's wig, all bushy and knotty.                  By Diamond
Her skin looks like wrinkly old paper flying around.                       By Ivoryana
She looks like a yucky old zombie but wrinklier and scarier.          By Tioni
Her skin is so wrinkly it looks like she has been in the pool for three years. By Sharniqua
Her face looks like a witch.                                                              By Shane
Her hair looks like a nest broken in half.                                         By Gregory
The old lady's hair was as gigantic as a giant.                                 By Paige 

We are looking forward to writing poems using similes that describe ourselves.
Watch this space!