Friday 3 June 2016

Vaiaso o Le Gagana Samoa- Samoan Language Week

Today we closed our amazing week with dancing, singing and of course LAUGHING!
What a great week we have had embracing the Samoan Culture.

Mr Luteru came in to speak to Room 10 and 21 about what life in Samoa was like for him and even taught us how to make coconut cream from 'scratch'.

The process in action.

We are very lucky and appreciate the teachings we have had today. Fa'afetai lava!

Here are some photos and clips from our celebration assembly too:

Samoan National Anthem 


Room 15 and 16 - Le Aute                                   Game Time: Pedometer Challenge (on your head)

The girls heard that the boys had put an item together and they too took up the challenge. 
This is a snippet of their efforts from 3 days of practice, using their play times and lunchtimes.

Boys' Haka
These boys put this item together themselves, also practising during their lunchtimes.

Closing off by giving thanks: Bible Reading & Prayer

                             Room 10 Stunners                                                       Perise and Miss T                  
Some of the beautiful BMPS Staff

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