Wednesday 1 June 2016

Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa- Fanau Sports

Today our whole school joined together for an afternoon of activities and a lot of fun. From volleyball to hula hoops to Jump Jam- it was all go! We rotated through activities with our buddy classes; with the older students taking responsibility for the care of the younger students and demonstrating leadership through their own actions.

We even had 'Katy Perry' (a.k.a Mrs Hart) make an appearance, and had the very important role of time keeper/ siren operator. The teachers looked very bright too in their lavalava and lei.

We all had a great time together as one BMPS fanau.
Perise and 'Katy Perry'
 BMPS - One Fanau
 Volleyball (on your bottom)
 Hula Hoops
 Target Game
 Grandma and Grandson
 Tia 'hanging out' on the Playground
 Jahmaica and George
 Noodle Hockey
Terai taking Photos
Miss Pratt leading Jump Jam
Basketball (Wow Leroy can jump!)
Wow Perise is short!


  1. What an amazing day to celebrate each other and our cultures. I'm sorry that I missed it. Did Katy Perry sing for you?

  2. Wow no one had that one coming, Katty Perry at BMPS what a suprise!!!

    From: Keita

  3. That was the most fun part of that week. SO FFFFFFUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Looks like great fun all around.

    Cheers Alan

  5. Looks like great fun for and by everyone.
